Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

Meine Osterferien!

      Just got back from the greatest spring break of my life to date! I spent the Easter Holidays (Osterferien) in ITALIA!

      I spent 6 wonderful days in Rome and can NOT wait until I get the chance to go back. I'm glad I had a week in the city,  but I feel like I could live a year in Rome and still not see everything it has to offer... FORTUNATELY, I tossed a coin into the Trevi Fountain over my head; and from what I've been told, that augurs an imminent return trip to Rome!
(This picture is definitely not staged.)
I have SoOoOooo many thoughts/feelings/pictures on Rome and Italy, that I'm going to need to definitely break them up into a number of different posts.......Osterferien, to be continued.


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