Sonntag, 15. April 2012

The Eternal City

     I know I keep saying this for every place I've been to, but Rome is my FAVORITE city that I've visited so far. I mean, historically, IS there a more interesting city????
Better than Prague, better than Bratislava, better than London, Dublin (ok maybe not) and I guess nothing is better than Vienna......But the point is, Rome rocks. 
      If there was ever a city that is a perfect example of old mixed with new, it's Rome. One minute you're in the Pantheon, the next minute you're a block over, browsing sandals and leather bags, and then NEXT you're in a Baroque church, or maybe then admiring some Renaissance art at a museum.  Talk about an onslaught of history and information. But I really couldn't (and still can't) get enough of Rome. 
       The Pantheon was, hands down, my favorite site in Rome.


Fortunately we went on a sunny day!

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