Mittwoch, 11. April 2012


     More than just a coffee drink (which is a delightful mix of espresso and hot water), Americano is now a new and exciting fashion statement in Rome!....but actually...I kid you not.
     There really is a new fashion trend sweeping through Italy and much of Europe that never fails to catch me off guard! And that is: wearing the American flag as clothing. Be it a scarf, shirt, pants, earrings, fancy sunglasses...make a trip to Italy and you will see countless Italians, both male and female,  bedecked in American flag fashion statements. What is it? Do they love America that much? Or simply are the colors, red, white, and blue "in"? I guess they look cool. It's a cool idea to have a flag as a scarf. Only problem is, if I did that, I'd be taken for a psycho patriotic freak who doesn't know when the 4th of July is. Guess I can go ahead and do my 4th of July clothes shopping in Italy...anyone need anything??


Now do you believe me? :) Photographic PROOF!
This is all so hilarious! I mean, how can walking American flags NOT catch your attention?? Does anyone else think this is weird?? Or is it just me?

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