Dienstag, 6. März 2012

Ahoy Praha!

Alright, so as a follow-up to my shoe rant, I'd like to expose the WONDERFUL sides of Prague! (Where I just spent a spectacular weekend.)

OK, but to get the negatives out of the way: my least favorite thing about Prague was that I can't speak a word of Czech. I felt like a stereotypical American running through a city and assuming everyone can speak English (which they can.) Honestly, the only Czech word I know is Ahoj. Which means "Hi!" and is pronounced (with a pirate snarl, if you so choose) "Ahoy!"
Seriously though--Czech is a very difficult language to pronounce! I attempted a Czech-crash course on our train ride there and quickly forsook those efforts.

But still. Prague was AMAZING! We spent the first day walking around, shopping, taking a few pictures of some impressive buildings, and generally getting situated.

Astronomical Tower
Then on Saturday, we took a bus/boat/walking tour of the city.
-They took us up to Prague Castle (the biggest castle in the world!!) where we went inside their church and witnessed one of their changing of the guards that happens every hour. -We boated along the river and saw some university buildings, Parliament buildings, the Prime Minister's house, and Prague's very own mini-Eiffel Tower.
-We walked through the Jewish section of town, and then "Old Town" which houses Prague's famous Astronomical Tower.

As with all places I've traveled to, I wish I could've had more time there, to experience what their local culture actually IS like. For example, I saw a restaurant in Wenceslas Square that advertised "Typical Czech Restaurant" which made me doubt the veracity of that claim. Especially when I noticed the waiters were garbed in medieval wear....something about that screams Atypical if you ask me. Wrong century, friends. But to actually be able to explore a city and become familiar with it..is always better than a quick touristy weekend. But hey--I'll take what I can get! (And that's what Vienna is for!)

Gypsy pic.

Alright here's another problem. (not really a problem)
I took more pictures in Praha/Prag/Prague than I did in even London! How to choose which pictures to post??? I hope you take my word for it when I say that Prague was gorgeous, because posting 250 pictures of its gorgeousness might be excessive....

Prague is a very exciting mix of old and new. AND Prague was one of the few European cities that was essentially untouched by either of the World Wars. (So whereas the Wiener Staatsoper was bombed in WWII and had to be--albeit expertly--rebuilt, Prague has all original buildings. Mixed with newer ones of course! Very cool.)

St. Vitus Cathedral

The Prague Castle
Changing of the Guard!
On the bus tour! Charles Bridge in back (built in the 15th C!)
A passionate Charles Bridge photo

Susan and me in Wenceslas Square. St. Wenceslas is the patron saint of the Czech Republic
A McDonald's in Czech!

 Old Town Square
Belgian waffles!
And not too shortly after these waffles, we caught our train home.
..It was really strange actually. A girl from Connecticut who we met while in Dublin (she was also traveling, but studying abroad in Switzerland) was arriving in Prague on the SAME train we were getting on to get to Wien. VERY strange coincidence. I hope she has as good a time in Prague as I did!

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