Our last day of German intensive! We celebrated with a trip to the Rathaus, the “city hall” of Vienna.
Tapestries for all the provinces of Austria |
(This is the building we went ice skating in front of!) We were given a very cool guided tour (in German…ich verstehe nicht!!) and got to see a few very important halls of the palace, including the Festaal! Our tour guide told us that despite all the ornate rooms and tapestries of all the Bundesländer von Österreich, the Americans’ favorite part of the Rathaus is always: the never-stopping elevator, der Lift des Todes. And she was right. SO FUN. We were all given the option of traveling back down to exit the Rathaus via the mOvInG eLeVaToR (use at your own risk) and the whole class went down in pairs. Susan and I got off on the wrong floor at first, but we eventually made it down! This video essentially captures our struggle. Hah. Now to study for our finals tomorrow…
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