Sonntag, 19. Februar 2012

I heart Vienna.

        I went to my second opera at the Staatsoper last night. I can't believe I've only seen two so far, when they only cost 4 Euros. But this one was called l'Elise d'Amore (Elixir of Love) and it was exquisite!! Rolando Villazon rocks my socks.

       And the night before last night, many people in the program ventured to "the Bermuda Triangle" a somewhat touristy stretch of bars and clubs. We had our picture taken at the Empire Club....they played pretty horrible remixes of American pop music there, but it was wicked fun, nevertheless!

         After so much traveling recently, and what will soon follow our second week of classes, Julia and I are planning for this coming weekend to be devoted to Vienna exploration! (And we're planning on seeing an opera every night!!!....too much?) Carmen am Freitag, Cosi Fan Tutte am Samstag, und La Sonnambula am Sonntag. GET PUMPED.

        Some trips/visits we're waiting until Spring for. For example, Schönbrunn Palace when it actually has a garden will be lovely, and traveling to Salzburg where we can not only partake in a "Sound of Music" tour (YES, I KNOW), but also a biking tour, will be much better in the Spring!

But in the mean time, there is plenty to do.
AND the weather is already getting warmer. It hit 40 degrees F today (which is absolutely BALMY) so I decided to go for my first run in Vienna. I ran from Margaretenstraße down to the Musikverein and around Karlskirche and back. (bout 40 mins) And a culture difference that I've now been introduced to, is that neither male nor female runners really wear shorts. Also, there were very few people out running...didn't see anyone else in fact.....Awkward....lots of stares.

My first horn lesson with Franz Söllner is tomorrow! AHHHH!!!!!!!!

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