Donnerstag, 19. Januar 2012

Sanctioned People Watching

So far I have to say, my favorite thing about Vienna is the staring. 

Yes, yes,  I know. Soon I’ll be going to see the Barber of Seville for 3 Euros at the Staatsoper and be waltzing at a Viennese ball at the Hofburg Palace next Thursday…but right NOW, I appreciate the staring.  It’s one of the most enjoyable culture differences between Austria and America, that didn’t take me any time to get used to at all! (Who believes in “culture shock” anyways??)

You know how in America, whether it’s New York, Boston, Chicago, or anywhere, it’s considered rather taboo to stare at people? If you stare at someone and they catch you, you immediately look away and feel embarrassed.
See these people in this picture? Stared at all of them.
Well that is Not the case here. Here, if you catch someone staring at you (or vice versa), you just go on and stare right back. It is completely normal, accepted, and prevalent in Viennese life. Sanctioned people watching! Another indicator, that I chose the perfect place to study abroad. I fit right in. On trains, on the streets...there's just an understanding. You look at people who intrigue you and no one is offended! Good times to be had by all! Bitte schön!

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