The Hofburg Palace |
If you've ever secretly harbored desires to dress like a princess and waltz the night away in a fairytale dream......(it's OK if you have. Go ahead, admit it!)........then I recommend you go to a Viennese Ball!!!
When I applied to study abroad in Wien, I hadn't realized that the first 2 to 3 months would be the height of the Ball season! Not being properly equipped with "ball attire", I had to do some thrifty shopping in the 6th district for a ball gown, and then I was off to the TU Ball! I should probably mention that the ball was held in the Hofburg Palace. (
PALACE). Sehr Schön.
People kept asking me throughout the first hour of the ball if I was alright or feeling unwell, because I was "being pretty quiet". Well--in my defense--it's hard to be conversational AND simultaneously devote all of your attention to staring at the palace ceilings and extravagantly dressed guests! It took me a while to soak it all in, and even then I was overwhelmed.

We got a little lost on the way to the palace. Probably looked quite ridiculous--5 girls in ball gowns running through U Bahn stops and around Vienna. (Had to try a few trams before we were going in the right direction.) But we made it eventually!

Doors opened at 8:30 but the opening ceremony wouldn't start until 9:30. Um halb zehn, The horns promptly started a fanfare and I was so excited I was afraid I'd start crying or something. (didn't). Unfortunately, I didn't have that great a position from which to see the dancers, but from what I gauged from the camera screens of people in front of me, it was quite the beautiful procession! All the women were in white and all the men in tuxedos. It was so elegant. They even danced to Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet (low brass kind of startled me when I was expecting Johann Strauss) It was surreal. just. surreal.
The Palace was like a maze. There was a bar in practically every other room, spaced between all the different dance rooms! I danced a little swing and cha cha (danced=attempted) and spent a happy amount of time in a jazz room.

And even more time just watching all the Austrians dance and interact. I stayed clear from the salsa room because of the eye-watering Atmosphäre. I'm still surprised they allow people to smoke in the Hofburg palace! (
Bitte stop smoking when I'm trying to dance; I can't breathe,
bitte.) I heard rumors of a disco room, but I never did find it :( ...I'll just have to go to another ball and try again! Next ball coming up later in February is a Masquerade Ball??? (Ladies choice with the symbolic un-masking at midnight! Sounds almost too perfect.)

Speaking of Mitternacht....at the TU Ball, it was nearing midnight and I realized I hadn't waltzed yet. (UNACCEPTABLE) I grabbed a partner and we hurtled to find a spot in the main ball room. And NOW I can officially say that I've waltzed at a Viennese ball.

The ball went until 5am. I didn't quite have the energy reserve to last that long, made it home around 3am. Some brave souls stuck it out to the bitter end, and if I'm not mistaken I saw some exhausted, sorry-looking folks in tuxedos at class this morning.
I woke up early this morning to buy some bread at the Naschmarkt for German class, and was a bit of a zombie ordering, "Wir möchten zwei Semmeln und einen Kürnbirkernweckerl,
bitte." (Kürnbiskernweckerl is pumpkin seed bread, which by the way, is spectacular.)
Last Friday my German class went to a Kaffeehaus, but this week we "ate in" and put together an authentic Austrian breakfast from items different students were assigned to collect from the Naschmarkt. It was delicious. Did you know that Austrians eat cold-cuts for breakfast?? I guess it's more filling than a muffin...It was the perfect post-ball breakfast.
SO TIRED. But as with many whirlwind, sleep-deprived evenings, it was SO WORTH IT.
I am absolutely wiped. However, there are more things to do! Classes are over for the week and it's the Wochenende!!I
I have time to sleep when I'm dead!!....or Sunday when everything is closed.