Ein Paar Life Updates:

Here are some updates:
- I officially have only 2 cakes left at Cafe Schwarzenberg to try.
- I performed the Hartzell Workpoints for Bassoon and Horn at our last chamber concert, and met Eugene Hartzell's widow! Who gave me a free CD of his work!
- I went on the highest chained carousel in the WORLD! (117 meters) Which is actually in the Prater park in Vienna! (Sombrero is STILL my favorite ride though....may or may not have gone on that 3 times in a row Friday night..) Here's a little tip from me to you: I've gone on the famous Riesenrad (Ferris wheel) and now I've gone on this carousel. The Ferris wheel is 9 euros and the carousel is 5 euros....For almost half the price, SERIOUSLY consider doing the high carousel instead of the Riesenrad. YES, I understand, the Ferris wheel is seriously iconic. but SO IS THE CAROUSEL! THE HIGHEST IN THE WORLD! It's fast, exhilarating, OUTSIDE, and you get the same view if not better, WHILE feeling like flying. I mean, LOOK AT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- I've gone to the Schönbrunn Zoo finally, and bought a stuffed
giraffe that I've named Clara Franz Abraham Johannes. Please don't
question Clara's gender ambiguity, she's sensitive about it.
- I also bought a book called "Vienna Blood", hoping it would be like a
Dan Brown-esque book on Vienna. But the most exciting thing that has
happened so far was that an anaconda at the Schönbrunn zoo was
"murdered". I'm like...cool? I've been there?
- Our crazy, furious neighbor hurled a bucket of water through our
window above our door into our kitchen last night because we were
talking loudly? #rude #ENTSCHULDIGUNG?!
- I've officially gone skinny dipping in The Blue Danube (#inappropriateupdate #buttruenonetheless)
- I learned that the dancing "King" street performer on Kärtner Strasse actually gets his legendary height from standing on a cinder block. That actually shattered the image of the King for me.
- I'm really proud of how defined my calf muscles are. I know this is a weird, borderline narcissistic life update to be revealing....but having spent a semester walking EVERYWHERE, and exercising more than I have..really since high school sports..(courtesy/luxury of not having a hectic Northwestern schedule), I have to say: DAMN my calf muscles look good.
- I've officially eaten half of this chocolate gugelhupf in front of me now, in an attempt to bang out this final paper for my Arts and Nations class and am currently considering making some more coffee. Obviously I decided to blog about writing this paper instead of actually writing it.
- I'm coming home in 5 DAYS?! Ready for school work to be done and to see my family, but not sure if I'm ready to leave the city. :/
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