Alright--so it's a little after midnight right now, but I felt the need to record the events of my day quickly before the details fade. (And THEN I'm going to bed!)
Quick run-through of my day:
German class in the morning, followed by a Schönberg class trip to the Leopold Museum, followed by reading 2 hours in the park outside the Hofburg (ANOTHER sunny, glorious day!), followed by a Chamber concert that I pretended to concert-manage and then actually played in (my teacher, Franz came!), followed, by the premiere of the movie, Hunger Games! Whew!
But the story I'm going to tell happened after all that.
Ha ha saw it on the 22nd!! Woo! |
So. Many people in the IES program went to go see the Hunger Games premiere at the English movie theater on Mariahilferstraße this evening. My friends and I reserved tickets ahead of time, but since we had to go home after our concert, we didn't arrive to the theater early enough to pick them up (and they had given them away). HOWEVER, they had plenty of extra tickets to sell, which was a very fortuitous occurence. (Definitely a time where I was happy to be an American in Vienna--because how many Austrians are going to be fighting themselves to see this English movie??..turns out: not that many!) So we bought our tickets on sight and got pretty excellent seats! Now the was very emotional for me, of course. Not quite on the par of Harry Potter. (Can anything really be??) But nevertheless, I cried maybe the entire last 20-30 minutes...(I'm getting to my story, I promise!)
We emerge from the theater, emotionally drained, and find the nearest UBahn stop to get home. Had to take U3 to U2 and then U4.
So we were in the middle of switching lines (And mind you, I'm not paying attention to the directional signs), when I asked my friends, "shouldn't we go upstairs to catch the U2 line?" One of my friends replied, jokingly--and good-naturedly--"Sure! If you want to get very lost!"
But I was feeling a little bad for myself (As a result from being tired + nursing a crying-induced headache) and mumbled to myself in reply, "hey come on, I'm reading the signs. Don't patronize me!!"
And it is at THIS point that a cute Austrian boy asks me, "Where are you from??"
I can't even tell you how much it saddens me, to have a cute Austrian approach me when I have smudged mascara and am whining in the UBahn in the most unattractive, pitiable state...BUT when does one EVER have control over these situations??
He recognized our American accents (no doubt, from my whining) and he was like "Are you from Illinois?" (Don't know why Illinois is his go-to state to guess, when you admit you're from the States...but, I explained that I was from Boston and studying in Vienna.) And he was like, "yeah, I could recognize your American accent" And I was like "Oh sure..carry that with me everywhere I go! ho ho ho Unfortunately."
and cute Austrian boy was like "Oh, I don't think it's a bad thing!" To which I had no intelligent I just sort of started walking away. And he was like "well, enjoy your time here!" And I just said..."thank you"
the end.
Sucks when you meet your soulmate while crying/whining on the Ubahn at 11pm doesn't it?? Especially when you're JUST NOT PREPARED for it.
Note to self: Don't see emotional movies and then promptly appear in public. You never present yourself well.
Now, I am off to bed. Goodnight, all! (And in case you were wondering, the concert went well! Only played one piece. Ha, clearly not the highlight of my evening...oh well..stay tuned: may or may not be putting on a recital later this Semester! Franz has been demanding I perform Mozart 2. WE'LL SEE, FRANZ. We'll see.)